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    frequently asked questions

    Does air duct cleaning make a mess?

    If carried out by yourself/not trained professionals - yes. If done by specialists - definitely no. We make tidiness our priority.

    Does air duct cleaning help with allergies?

    Yes, it does. It is one of the most effective ways of getting allergens out of the ventilation system.

    What does air duct cleaning consist of?

    The term generally refers to cleaning of supply and return air registers, cooling system components of forced air systems, grilles and diffusers, fan motor and fan housing, condensation drain pans, heat exchanger cooling and heating oils, and air handling unit housing.

    Will air duct cleaning help maintain comfortable temperatures?

    The actual performance of the heating or air cooling mechanisms and ducts is affected by whether a HVAC system is clogged while trying to contend with contaminants. Air duct cleaning removes all the blockages and allows for more efficient indoor climate control.

    Is chimney sweeping essential?

    Yes, it is considered essential service by the US government as it prevents hazards for the household.

    Could not cleaning your dryer vent be dangerous?

    Definitely, dryer lint that is not cleaned regularly poses a fire hazard. Carbon monoxide could also start collecting inside the house instead of being vented outdoors, causing a decrease in air quality.

    What are the signs of a dryer vent being clogged?

    If the clothes take a longer time than usual to dry & the machine feels very hot, the dryer vent is most likely clogged and you need our dryer vent cleaning services!

    Can air duct cleaning save you extra costs of repair?

    Clogged air duct cleaning systems are much more likely to break and will end up working much harder than needed to combat built-up debris inside. Making sure to clean your air ducts regularly with us will eliminate that possibility and save you repair costs down the road.

    Can indoor air quality be better than the outside air quality?

    Even in areas with the worst air quality, air duct cleaning can get rid of all the pollutants from both indoor and outdoor environments and ensure top-notch indoor air quality.