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    26 August, 2021
    How Often Should You Change Your Air Filter?

    The HVAC system requires regular maintenance and, if needed, the replacement of some details. For example, do you know how frequently you should change your air filter? Some people can’t even answer the question of why you have to change it. This article exists to help you understand when and why you’ll have to replace your air filter.  The question “why”  Because the air

    • 25 August, 2021
      Clothes Dryer Not Drying?

      Is your clothes dryer not drying? Do your clothes smell musty or feel damp after a complete cycle? Are your clothes or dryer hot to the touch? If you answered yes to any question it is likely you need a dryer vent cleaning. When your clothes dryer is not drying, one often overlooked but important message your dryer is trying to tell you is,

      25 August, 2021
    • 24 August, 2021
      Tips to Prevent Mold Growth, Stop Mold Growth Before it Starts!

      Football season is just around the corner, and with it are sure to be Thursday nights, Sunday afternoons, and Monday nights with the neighbors over, everyone huddled around the living room TV, cheering on your favorite team. But as you’re making your list of “to-do’s” to prep for game time, consider adding “stop mold growth” to the list, just above “buffalo wings” – because

      24 August, 2021
    • Inspect-Air-Ducts-for-Leaks-Servi5ce-Champions-1 23 August, 2021
      Air Duct Dangers: Are Your Dirty Air Ducts Making You Sick?

      Did you know that one out of every six allergy sufferers’ symptoms can be directly linked to the fungi and bacteria found in their air duct systems? The most common home allergens are seasonal pollen, mold, dust, dust mites, animal dander, and chemicals including formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, conventional paint and finishes, and permanent fabric treatments. How to avoid air duct dangers In the

      23 August, 2021
    • 2 21 August, 2021
      Installing a New Furnace…Should You Schedule an Air Duct Cleaning?

      Most homeowners replace their furnaces every 10 to 15 years; and in a lot of cases, that’s how long it’s been since they’ve had an air duct cleaning. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), you should consider scheduling an air duct cleaning if: There is substantial visible mold growth inside air ducts or on other components of your heating and cooling system

      21 August, 2021
    • missing_socks1-73093 20 August, 2021
      Dryer Vent “Sock Monster”

      Cleaning Your Dryer Vent and Taming the “Sock-Eating Monster” If you’ve ever been a victim of the sock-eating monster (also known as your dryer), you know the frustration of washing, drying, pairing, and folding the laundry only to find that you – invariably – have one single, extra sock whose perfect match is nowhere to be found. Blame the monster! Of course, dryers don’t

      20 August, 2021